One reason people choose Westside for home ownership is due to the incredible private schools available for their families. Whether it is The Brentwood School, Archer School, Westside Neighborhood School, Le Lycee Francais, Crossroads School, or a host of others, determining the right choice is daunting, if not downright overwhelming. Understanding the ins and outs of the application process can be very beneficial. That’s why I’d like to introduce you to Lisa Marfisi, an educational consultant who specializes in Independent School Placement.
Lisa Marfisi Understands Private Schools
Lisa (http://www.lisamarfisi.com/) has been a professional in education in the Los Angeles area since 1991. She has experience as the Director of Admissions at Wildwood School and Echo Horizon School, in addition to other prestigious schools in the area. She has been helping families with the admission process for the past 15 years, working to help parents make the best educational choices for their families.
Her experience has given her an understanding of what top Westside private schools want in applicants. Therefore, she can help navigate you through the admissions process because she has an insider’s point of view.
Application Pointers
Lisa has some great pointers that can help you navigate the waters. For instance, you will only want to apply to schools that you feel are compatible with your educational philosophy. Also, be sure to follow all the directions on the application. Something as simple as a missing photo can make the difference between acceptance and rejection. To read a great list of do’s and dont’s, go to the following blog post about Lisa here: http://beyondthebrochurela.com/.
If you have questions about private schools in the Westside area, feel free to contact Lisa at lisa@lisamarfisi.com or contact me. I’d love to offer any insights that I have.
(*Please note: I do not make any money from referring Lisa. I just like referring the best people that do a great job for my clients!)
Tags: Lisa Marfisi, private schools, WestsideCategorised in: Blog, Brett's Top Picks